Tuesday, May 31, 2011


I`m thinking about photography, in general I´m not a fanatic of this, I don´t have a camera because... I don´t know, mayby I don´t called my attention. I don´t have a collection of photos, I just have someone, when I was child, my first year in a school, but recently photos I haven´t almost.
Ohhhh, I haven´t photolog, I don´t like, is really strange... many people seeing your photos, what do you do, etc. I prefer other things, for example Facebook, in this I have only what I want and just my friend can see.
Although it´s clear I don´t like photography in general, I remember a photo in particular, this photo I like, I believe is for the content.. That photo is of my family.
Was taken for my father, and was many years ago. I don´t remember very well, but I suppose was in a Holydays, specifically in a summer on the beach.
I was 5 or 6 years, and we were in a house on the beach, my mom, my father, and my 2 sister. I remember that this place was really beautiful. The photo was taken at the night, the last night of the vacation, and we were eating... it was delicious. And in this moment when the dinner was finished, my dad pulled out his camera and He said smiles!!!!! and took the photo.
I like this photo because shows a beautiful moment, and every time I see, I´m happy, and I can remember this holidays and that we were really happy.

Maybe in the future I will buy a camera, because there may be situations that I want to immortalize....
Is beauty in occasions seeing a photo.

And you? Do you like photos? Or what is your favorite photo and why?
See you!!!!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Paedophile in the Catholic Church

Today, the paedophile is at the center of the news, especially the cases given in the church.

In Chile have been many cases in the last time, for example Karadima, Melipilla and Cotolengo cases.

The Church for a first time is punishing this paedophile priests.

I think that the paedophile doesn´t happen in general, but exist more cases that are wanted.

Is impossible not to think that exist a paedophile ring in the church, because has been covered several cases of paedophile priest around the world, so the high command of the church knew it.

In special in the Karadima`s case, I´m disagree with the opinion that the affected people was old enough to know what they were doing. This is because he was your priest, and he had power over them.

Proceeds from this the church has lost followers, it´s because the people not believe anymore in this institution and they see in the church today a enemy. Maybe if the church takes a stronger attitude against the pedophiles, the Catholic people wouldn´t leave this institution.

To stop sexual abuse in the church, I would do all reports of these cases, for the church, the press, and much education for parents and children about how to prevent these abuses keep happening, and if it occur, immediately, report.

The paedophile in general is a complicated event, when is in the church all is more complicated yet. For this all people always should be aware.

Honestly, I expect this doesn´t happened again.

What Do you think about the paedophile in the church? What do you do?