Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Ignacio Martín Baró a interesting person

He is Ignacio Martín Baró(1942-1989).
He was a Spanish psychol and jesuist priest, but he lived for many years in Latin American, exactly in one country, El Salvador. In this place for a long time was a civil war. Here he was a teacher of the University CentroAmerican "José Simeón Cañas" (UCA), here he was a Director of the department Psychology and Education. He fought for the Human  Rights in the Salvador. Finally he was killed for the salvadorean army, along with the other priest.  
In your life he writed and published 11 books, but other person also writed of your life and your ideological thought. He was a referent for the Liberation Psychology, and gave other perspective of the Latin American Psychology.  
Two of his works is the book "Liberation Psychology" and "Power, Ideologic and Violence". In this works he speaks of the equality, represion, power, human rights and the other things about your social thought. This publications are a example for the SocialPsychology, because is a  other perspective about the social processes in Latin American. Your theory is very important in the present day.

I like him work, because your theory shows a reality of this continent, and help for understand the processes that are between the conflict and the other social problems as the unequal. In my opinion for my career Martín Baró and his thought of society it`s very important for change the violence, unequal, poverty and education in Latin American.

So i believe that more people should read his work. 
What do you think? 

1 comment:

  1. When religious people get involved with issues like unequality, human rights, poverty, etc. they are really commmited, especially jesuists. Our Alberto Hurtado is an example, and, although I'm not a religius person, I admire him a lot.
    Some corrections:
    -for a long time THERE was a civil war
    -the CentroAmerican University (WORD ORDER)
    -he was killed BY the salvadorean army
    -DURING HIS life he wrOTE and published
    -ANother person also wrOTE ABOUT HIS life and HIS ideological thought(PLEASE CORRECT THE REST OF THE "HIS" POSSESSIVES)
    -Two of his works ARE
    - In thESE works
    -because IT is aNother perspective
